Terrible Twos

IMG_1816x We celebrated Gatsby's 2nd birthday on Tuesday, April 29th.

When we adopted Gatsby 8 months ago his PAWS paperwork included his previous medical records - which indicate that the 29th is his birthday! Gatsby's previous parents may have made this up - but Shay and I decided to run with it (we wouldn't want to confuse our already some-what confused hound dog).

We made the day special by baking him a cake, singing to him (he joined in too), playing in the backyard with his new toys (part of his birthday gift), and taking him to his favorite bar - Jake's.

I found a few recipes online for doggie cakes and decided on this one. I used gluten free flour instead of almond flour, blueberries instead of strawberries, and greek yogurt with organic peanut butter for the frosting. The recipe is very simple and the ingredients are obviously doggie safe. Gatsby devoured it, and even licked the plate clean! I'd say it was a success!

