City Guide: New York City
Last weekend Shay and I were in New York City. His conference ended on Friday, so that left us with 3 full days to see and do as much in the city as we could. One of my favorite parts about taking a trip is actually planning it. I'm a little obsessed with doing research on bars and coffee shops, making lists, and creating a map of places to go. I always think that if I over-plan in the beginning, then I can relax and enjoy the trip much more with few decisions to make once I'm at my destination.
Below is our NYC Trip Map. I'm pretty impressed with how much we were able to cross off of this list considering we were both sick the entire weekend. There are still a few places I would like to try the next time we're there - and a few I would definitely go back to.
View NYC Trip in a larger map
{Brooklyn Brewery}
{Museum of Modern Art}
{9/11 Memorial}
{visit with my XO Little}
What's your favorite thing to do while in New York City?