Enjoying the Present
Everything on earth has it’s own time and it’s own season. Ecclesiastes 3:1
I read a statistic once that people spend an average of 10 months of their lives talking about the weather. In some parts of the world where the temperature is predictable day to day this may seem outrageous. As a Chicagoan, this statistic is believable. In just one week we've experienced multiple seasons and drastic weather conditions. Five days ago we had wind gusts ranging from 30 - 60 MPH (roofs were blowing off buildings and trees were being up-rooted), four days ago it was 60-degrees and sunny outside, and today we're experiencing a "winter storm warning"! What is happening?
Whenever Mother Nature throws us curve balls, it reminds me there is so much in life that I have no control over. Whether it's other people's thoughts, or something that happened in the past, or the unknown outcome of something in the future, I waste time thinking and talking about these things rather than enjoying the present moment.
This past Saturday happened to be a great day, and not because I made progress on my "to-do" list (because I didn't). Instead of worrying about what needed to get done, I grabbed my husband and my pup, and we went to the park to enjoy the beautiful 60-degree day we were given!