Becky Howe

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Lessons From a Children's Story

In this season, I'm finding it's hard to have any kind of routine with spiritual disciplines.

It’s hard to set aside intentional time with God when we’re not on a schedule.

It’s hard (impossible?) to practice solitude and silence when I’m never alone and our house is rarely (if ever) quiet.

And my prayer practice seems to only exist in the middle of the night during feedings, or sporadically throughout the day when I’m sending up emergency “help me” prayers.

(Note: “Help me” is a legitimate prayer, and the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to translate this.)

I think because our relationship with God is a real, living, active, evolving relationship, it’s natural to go through ebbs and flows. It’s natural for spiritual practices to look different in different seasons of life.

Can you relate? Maybe you’ve found yourself in a season where you’re doing a little “less” than you were doing before?

The good news is - it doesn’t matter. God doesn’t love us more or less based on our efforts. In fact, if I’m really paying attention - God is always showing up for me (even if it seems like I’m not showing up for Him).

I was reminded of this while reading the story “The Runaway Bunny” to Jude. I noticed there are a lot of parallels with this children’s story and the story of God showing up for his people.

The whole book is a series of “hide and seek” adventures where a baby bunny runs off, and the mother bunny finds unique ways to catch up with her child.

Below is a snippet from the book:

While doing some digging on "The Runaway Bunny", I found a few blogs that draw parallels between this children's book and Psalms 139. Both writings are a sweet reminder that whether we are in fact running… or maybe we’re just wandering... a bit lost... or just in a busy season… we cannot flee from the presence of God (Psalms 139:7).