Air & Water Show

In the Spring of 2015 I bought a Canon EOS Rebel SL1. Since then I've taken a photography class and have really enjoyed learning how to use my camera the way it was intended. I've been documenting our adventures, taking pictures of my family, and photographing my home projects. My Canon is also capable of shooting HD video, and until recently I hadn't been taking advantage of it. Last month Shay and I went to Milwaukee to see the Air & Water Show. We spent the afternoon on my brother's boat, and just for the heck of it, I decided to shoot some video. And by "some"... I mean 20 minutes of mostly really, really bad video. However, I was able to trim it down to 1:45 and add an appropriate song to the footage. For the record, I know nothing about videography. I've never even used iMovie before. So after much Googling and tinkering around - I present to you my very first film (click the link to watch the HD version on Vimeo)!

Enjoy! (and if it sucks, don't tell me, because I think it's pretty great.)

Crank up the volume!